
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Portland, Oregon

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a gentle alternative to breast implants. The procedure is similar to fat transfer in Brazilian buttocks lift.

About our Breast Augmentation procedure

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a gentle alternative to breast implants. The procedure is similar to fat transfer in Brazilian buttocks lift. Fat transfer breast augmentation is the procedure for women who desire to change the size, shape, or contours of their breasts without invasive and serious breast implants procedure.

If you’re looking for a natural way to enhance your breast size and shape, fat transfer breast augmentation might be the solution you’ve been looking for. At NW Laser Clinic in Vancouver, WA, we offer this advanced procedure to help our patients achieve their desired look.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Breast augmentation with fat transfer, also known as autologous fat grafting, offers numerous benefits to those considering breast augmentation, particularly for those who prefer a natural look and feel.

One of the key benefits of breast augmentation with fat transfer is that it uses the patient’s fat tissue, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and other adverse effects associated with traditional breast implants. Additionally, because the transferred fat comes from the patient’s body, it typically integrates seamlessly with the surrounding breast tissue, leading to a more natural-looking result.

Another advantage of breast augmentation with fat transfer is that it allows for targeted contouring of the breasts and surrounding areas. This technique can address asymmetry or volume loss, resulting in a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Moreover, the recovery time associated with breast augmentation with fat transfer is often shorter than that of traditional breast implant surgery. Patients typically experience less discomfort and swelling and can usually return to work and other daily activities within a few days.

Good Candidates for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Ideal candidates for fat transfer breast augmentation are those who desire an increase in breast size and have adequate fat stores to harvest. Patients with a low body mass index (BMI) may not be suitable candidates due to insufficient fat deposits. Additionally, patients with a history of breast cancer or radiation therapy may not be good candidates, as these factors can affect the ability of the transferred fat to survive.

It is also important for candidates to have realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcome. While fat transfer breast augmentation can provide a subtle, natural-looking enhancement, it may not produce the same dramatic results as traditional breast implants. Patients who are seeking a significant increase in breast size may be better suited for implant-based augmentation.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure

Before fat transfer breast augmentation, candidates will undergo a thorough evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon. It may include a physical exam, medical history review, and imaging studies to assess breast anatomy and the availability of suitable fat stores. Our surgeon will also discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure and any alternative options to help the patient make an informed decision about their treatment plan.

During the procedure, liposuction removes fat from other body areas, such as the abdomen or thighs. The harvested fat is then processed and purified before being injected into the breasts. The procedure typically takes about 2-3 hours to complete and is performed on an outpatient basis.

Recovery from Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

  • Wear compression garments: Your surgeon may recommend that you wear a compression garment over the treated area for a few weeks after the procedure. It will help to reduce swelling and promote healing.
  • Follow a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet high in protein and low in salt can help to promote healing and reduce swelling.
  • Attend follow-up appointments: It is essential to attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to ensure that you are healing correctly and to address any concerns or complications that may arise.
  • Be patient: It may take several months, nearly six, for the final results of fat transfer breast augmentation to be visible.

After undergoing fat transfer breast augmentation, it is crucial to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon at our Vancouver clinic to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Here are some general recommendations for recovery:

How long does a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation last?

Following hip liposuction, you can expect to take a few days off work, typically less than a week. Strenuous physical activities should be avoided for at least two weeks. Recovery duration may vary based on the specific liposuction technique used and the number of areas treated.

Risks of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

While this procedure can provide many benefits, you should be aware of several risks and side effects before deciding to undergo a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure.

One of the main risks is an infection, which can occur at the site where the fat is removed or where it is injected into the breasts. Bleeding is also a potential risk, which can be severe and may result in the formation of hematomas or blood clots that require drainage. After the procedure, it is common to experience pain and discomfort at both the donor and recipient sites. Scarring can also occur at both sites, which may fade over time but may still be visible.

Asymmetry is another potential risk, as one breast may end up larger or smaller than the other after the procedure. Fat necrosis is also a possibility, where transferred fat does not receive enough blood supply and dies, resulting in lumps or areas of hardness in the breast tissue that may require additional surgery.

There may be a need for additional procedures to achieve the desired breast size or shape, which can increase the risk of complications. Additionally, fat transfer breast augmentation can make it more difficult to interpret mammograms, making it harder to detect breast cancer.

How does hip liposuction work?

During the procedure, a small incision is made in the targeted hip area, and a cannula is inserted to remove excess fat, restoring your desired contours. The number of incisions will depend on the specific treatment areas and liposuction technique employed.

Schedule your consultation

If you’re interested in learning more about fat transfer breast augmentation, contact VIP Medi Spa Clinic today. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to helping you achieve your desired look using the most advanced and effective techniques available, including breast augmentation with fat transfer.

Book an appointment