Sun damage is the result of over-exposure to the sun’s UV spectrum. Damage is cumulative and ranges from uneven pigmentation, wrinkles, white or brown spots (solar lentigos), red spots (poikiloderma of Civatte) or moles.
Conditions we target
Best Treatment For Sun Damage in Portland, Oregon
Those who have experienced serious sun damage are most at risk for precancerous lesions or skin cancers. Some sun damage may be reversed by:
- Laser Treatment
- Chemical Peels
- Skin Bleacking Agents

Sun Damage Treatment in Portland
Even though sun tanning is fun, not being careful about sun exposure can lead to skin damage. While getting your vitamin D is essential, overdoing the sunbathing could cause you to regret you didn’t use enough sunscreen lotion. Thankfully, while sun damage may seem permanent, it’s possible to remove it. Sun damage often manifests itself as age spots.
If not removed, they tend to make a person appear older. While numerous topical treatments exist for sun damage skin treatment, they can’t remove age spots permanently. One of the best sun damage treatment options is laser therapy. This quick and painless method can remove the sunspots and make your skin appear normal again.
Laser treatment for sun damage
Laser skin treatment for such damage involves using a low-level red laser, which is applied to the sun-damaged area. The laser penetrates about three inches of your skin. As the skin membranes absorb the light, your body starts producing healthy cells. With time, collagen and enzyme production increase to help healthy cells replace damaged cells.
Meanwhile, collagen also prevents scar tissue formation. While laser may be the best sun damage treatment on the face, in some cases, other options such as chemical peels and bleaching can also help. It’s important to discuss them with a professional.
Sun Damage Face Treatment
Sun damage face treatment with a laser involves some preparations. A professional practitioner should review your medical history and conduct a physical exam. During the exam, you discuss expectations, go through counter-indications, talk about recovery, and so on. Before the procedure, you should avoid sunbathing, waxing, and chemical peels for at least 14 days. It’s also important not to use any perfume or deodorant right before the skin treatment for sun damage.
You shouldn’t take any aspirin or herbal supplements, which may interfere with your blood’s clotting ability. If you are planning to do skin bleaching or chemical peels, the preparation is pretty much the same. However, the list of meds to avoid is different. Make sure to discuss it with your doctor.
What to Expect After Laser Treatment for Sun Damage
If you opt laser skin treatment for sun damage, be ready not to see any results for several days. Your face may be pink or red for up to eight hours after the procedure. You may also experience a mild burning sensation similar to being slightly sunburned. It’s possible to have swelling for a couple of days. It’s important to avoid applying makeup for at least 24 hours and use moisturized twice a day. What to Expect After Chemical Peel Sun Damage Treatment After doing chemical peel treatment for sun damage removal, you may experience a mild burning sensation and notice swelling followed by scaling.
The skin may peel for up to 14 days after the procedure. In some cases, you may need to wear bandages over treated areas and avoid the sun for several months after the treatment. At VipMediSpa, we are ready to discuss all your sun damage treatment options to make sure you choose the most suitable procedure. Call us for a free consultation today.